Have you recently had an accident that has left you with pain that just won’t go away? Southern Nevada is home to Las Vegas and Pahrump, which bills itself as the Entertainment Capital of the World. Away from the Strip, Southern Nevada also has plenty of natural beauties nearby. All told, there is something to keep you busy 24/7, but unfortunately, that also means that there are careless, reckless drivers on the road 24/7. Were you the victim of someone else’s negligence? People often believe that pain from an accident will go away in a day or two. However, another driver’s negligence can cause a variety of injuries that can range from short-term pain to chronic pain. What exactly is chronic pain? The National Institute of Health says that any pain lasting 12 weeks or longer is chronic pain. If you are experiencing pain for 12 weeks or longer after having been involved in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, you need to an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer on your side.
What types of chronic brain are common after accidents caused by negligence?
- Back and Neck Pain
- Back and neck pain are both extremely common issues following an accident. Car accident victims might feel completely fine after the accident but, after a few days or even weeks after the accident, back and neck pain might begin to creep up. Many people don’t even realize that their back and neck pain was caused from the accident. However, if you have begun to experience neck and back pain after having an accident in your distant past, you should consult your doctor and seek legal counsel to ensure that you are protected from any future injuries that arise.
- Traumatic Brain Injuries
- While your brain injury might not last a full twelve weeks, it’s very likely that you will experience several other issues that could potentially affect you for a very long time. Anxiety, depression, memory loss, migraines, difficulty concentrating, and cognitive impairments are just a few of the conditions that you might experience after an accident occurs. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or have suffered from a brain injury after an accident, call JK Nelson Law so that we can begin helping you build your legal case against the negligent party.
At JK Nelson Law, we are proud to serve Las Vegas and Pahrump, and we want to ensure that you are healthy, safe, and protected against your injuries and against the negligence that caused your injuries. If you have experienced any pain or injuries resulting from your accident, it is best to connect with your doctor so that he/she can begin treating you. Be sure to alert your doctor to all the symptoms that you are experiencing, whether you think they are minor or not, so that your doctor can ensure you recover quickly. Once you’ve seen your doctor, be sure to call our JK Nelson Law office so that we can begin gathering up all the information and records that we will need to defend you and your injuries in court. At JK Nelson Law, we believe that you deserve to be compensated for any and all of the injuries that you’ve received due to a negligent party, as well as for the time you have lost for doctor visits and time off of work. If you are interested in learning about how our JK Nelson Law legal team can help you, please contact us to schedule your free consultation.